Friday, February 3, 2012

Why do my apricots have little brown bumps on them?

It's not brown rot, they are about the size of the head of a pin and rough. The fruit inside seems fine, and it seems to happen mostly on one side of the tree.

Why do my apricots have little brown bumps on them?
Looks like you are talking about SCALES. Below is the info:

San Jose scales are very small sucking insects. They look like tiny grey or brown bumps the size of pinheads on branches and twigs. They feed by sucking sap from all parts of the tree, including the fruit. Where infestations are severe, they can kill trees.

Control: Spray San Jose scale with dormant or delayed dormant oil. There are normally two generations of juvenile scale crawlers a year, the first appear early in June (depending on the weather). Good coverage with an insecticide spray at this time will give some control, but these treatments are not nearly as effective as thorough coverage with a dormant or delayed dormant spray. took me 15 minutes to read the whole article and find this info for you....Read the article, the link is above. I think it's something you would be interested in...Good luck.

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