Monday, February 13, 2012

I have fungus on my apricot tree!?

On my apricot tree, which a pretty big and a decent age, a few of the brancdes had absolutly no growth, while all the other had tons of leaves and new fruit. When I put my hand to the branch, and gave the slightest tug, the whole branch tumbled off. Looking closer, I realized that there was a fungus on the branch, that was smooth and white on one side, with lines like there are on the underside of a mushroom on the other side. I have looked on line, trying to find out what this fungus (i am betting it is a fungus, seeing as it looks a bit like a mushroom) is, but to no avail. If you could tell me what the fungus is called, that would be great, and possibly a link to a website that talks about it would be great! Thanks!

I have fungus on my apricot tree!?
No need to call your agricultural extension agent. What you are seeing are called "Conks". They are in fact the fruiting bodies of a fungus that is feeding on the dead branch. The conks did not cause the branch to die off and are only "secondary" to the fact. They live off of dead rotting wood, the same as the mushrooms you find on the soil in your yard, which are also the fruiting bodies of the mycelium which is underground. There are many shapes and sizes of conks, many are quite colorful to say the least. Your branch either succumbed to a "boring" type of insect or a disease and the conks appeared after the fact. When conks are present, you can pretty well bet that the tree is suffering from disease. Here is a couple of links for you to check out.... Hope this answers your question...

...$Billy Ray$
Reply:I dont know what the fungus is called, but i have the same on my prune tree. do not wory as trees fall victims to this sort of thing every day.
Reply:Kinda depends on a few things. Where are you living? If you had a picture, that would be of great help too... it's hard to id a fungus simply from that description- sorry.
Reply:This is an old indian method for curing fungus on fruit trees,it works.If you hunt or know someone who does and they or you happen to shoot a buck,they have glands on there hind legs called tarsal glands,cut these out and mix in a pail with water,brush it on the infected area of the tree.If you do that in the morning that following day the fungus will be gone,it may not save those branches that are already too damaged,but it will improve the overall health of the tree by killing off the remaining fungus,good luck
Reply:I do not know anything about apricot trees but have a lot of other kinds on my ranch.

Best way to get help is call your local agricultural extension they should help you. Google for your state agricultural department should at least be a 800# or 411

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