Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why cant i find any apricots?

hi is it because they are out of season? when are they back in season. no supermarket anywhere has got them, and when you work the hours i do the supermarket is the only place i can go.

Why cant i find any apricots?
They sell tinned apricots all year round.
Reply:Try farmers market
Reply:I haven't looked for them lately, but if anyone has them then Waitrose would be the place to look.
Reply:It will depend on where you are. Our season has finished, so it will be another about 10 months here.
Reply:in a month or so .... but you should be able to find peaches, plums %26amp; nectarines now
Reply:get dried apricots eat as they are or soak them till they swell up lovely
Reply:they are a late summer fruit....right now strawberries are in season...then comes cherries in July-ish....then peaches and apricots in August-ish!

I should say this applies to us Canadian folk...I'm in the West and this is when the fruit matures in BC
Reply:fresh apricots ripe in mid may in the northern hemisphere so just wait a little
Reply:The only food I dislike is Apricots.

So the world is listening to me.

Great news - Thanks

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