Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What is the best way to apply fondant to a cake?

Does the cake need to be covered in marzipan first or is apricot jam OK?

What is the best way to apply fondant to a cake?
A lot of people in the UK use a thin layer of apricot jam but in the US most people use buttercream. You just can't use anything thats too wet or it will ruin the fondant.
Reply:I'm guessing you're from the UK, since covering a cake in marzipan or jam before fondant is fairly common over there.

I wouldn't suggest marzipan because with the fondant on top, that would be a lot of chewy stuff on top of the cake. You don't have to use apricot jam... you can use any flavor jam or frosting.
Reply:never heard of that.

you usually roll it out with a rolling pin and then roll it onto the rolling pin and let it unfold on top of the cake as you smooth down the sides.

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