Friday, January 27, 2012

Jaffa Cakes - is the "jaffa" made from apricot or orange?


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Jaffa Cakes - is the "jaffa" made from apricot or orange?
Well being as "jaffa" is a variety of orange, I think that answers your question.
Reply:orange marmelade...
Reply:If people would actually READ what it says on Wikipedia, they would know that it is actually Apricot Jelly with only Tangerine Oil in Jaffa Cakes.

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Regular-sized Jaffa Cakes are circular, approximately 54 mm (2? inches) in diameter, and 7 mm (? inch) in depth.

They comprise three layers:

A sponge base.

A layer of orange jelly of narrower diameter than the base, approximately 38 mm (1? inch) in diameter. THE JELLY IS MERELY ORANGE COLOURED - IT IS IN FACT MADE OUT OF APRICOT JELLY AND ONLY CONTAINS TANGERINE OIL.

A layer of chocolate covering the jelly and the margin of the sponge.
Reply:Dude your question made me laugh, are you stoned and have the munchies or something? I would say orange??!!
Reply:It's made from Jaffa Oranges
Reply:my dogs called Jaffa, thought people would like to know
Reply:Orange (jaffa is a variety of orange and the name used for a chocolate orange mixture)
Reply:It should normally be orange. Maybe you could check in the ingredients on the box if you're not sure.
Reply:mmmmmm the smashing orangy bit! Their slogan

full moon, half moon, total eclipse!!!
Reply:um i think of course
Reply:According to wikipedia: The jelly is merely orange coloured - it is in fact made out of Apricot Jelly and only contains Tangerine Oil
Reply:Orange, they do do a blackcurrant one too
Reply:orange, it is the brand of orange just like you can get granny smith apples etc

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