How do you pronounce "Apricot" ?
Reply:It rather depends on which side of the Atlantic you are from. Here in the 'home' of the English language it is the former of your examples.
Reply:Lol...depends on where you are from....I have heard both:)
Reply:Ape - ricot is correct
(Ay as in clAY)
Reply:both ways. i know i am odd in the way i do it. If i am saying "I want an apricot", it usually comes out as ahpricot. If I am saying "I want to get some apricots", it is usually ape-ricot
Reply:ahp-ricot. I'm from Detroit, Michigan.
Reply:Neither (nee-ther). LOL
I pronounce it AP-ricot. Without the "h".
Reply:My God, you're ugly
Reply:if you go to the following website they will actually pronounce it outloud for you!
One entry found for apricot.
Main Entry: apri·cot
Pronunciation: 'a-pr%26amp;-"k?t, 'A-
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: alteration of earlier abrecock, ultimately from Arabic al-birquq the apricot, ultimately from Latin (persicum) praecox, literally, early ripening (peach) -- more at PRECOCIOUS
1 a : the oval orange-colored fruit of a temperate-zone tree (Prunus armeniaca) resembling the related peach and plum in flavor b : a tree that bears apricots
2 : a variable color averaging a moderate orange
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